The story revolves around a female high school student who engages in mountaineering activities. It tells the story of the protagonist Kui, who enjoys indoor activities and suffers from acrophobia. After reuniting with her childhood friend Hinata, who loves outdoor activities, Kui hopes to see the sunrise on the mountaintop like she did when she was a child, and then embarks on another mountaineering activity. "Heading towards the Mountain" was created by former PC game "Symphony"
The story revolves around a female high school student who engages in mountaineering activities. It tells the story of the protagonist Kui, who enjoys indoor activities and suffers from acrophobia. After reuniting with her childhood friend Hinata, who loves outdoor activities, Kui hopes to see the sunrise on the mountaintop like she did when she was a child, and then embarks on another mountaineering activity. "Heading towards the Mountain" was created by former PC game "Symphony"