Tanaka Ryō, Hoshino Kazunari, Moriwaki Taomonobu, and Michiko Namiki
Total of 11 Episode
Japanese (typo, should be "Japanese")
Inama Dofu (played by Naofu Takeno) is an unconventional criminal judge who personally conducts on-site verification to uncover the truth of the incident in order to never create wrongful cases. Although far from the image of a steady judge, he has a free observational perspective and a thorough investigative spirit, completely free from constraints, biases, and prejudices
Inama Dofu (played by Naofu Takeno) is an unconventional criminal judge who personally conducts on-site verification to uncover the truth of the incident in order to never create wrongful cases. Although far from the image of a steady judge, he has a free observational perspective and a thorough investigative spirit, completely free from constraints, biases, and prejudices