This film tells the story of a young exorcist named Yan Xiaoxia, who joins the Exorcism Hall after inspiring himself and meets Sima Sanniang, a man disguised as a woman, and the demon king who transforms into a mortal painting garden. Several people experienced ups and downs while joking and cursing, experiencing the true meaning of life. In the end, the young exorcists crushed the conspiracy of the demon king, Yan Xiaoxia, and San
This film tells the story of a young exorcist named Yan Xiaoxia, who joins the Exorcism Hall after inspiring himself and meets Sima Sanniang, a man disguised as a woman, and the demon king who transforms into a mortal painting garden. Several people experienced ups and downs while joking and cursing, experiencing the true meaning of life. In the end, the young exorcists crushed the conspiracy of the demon king, Yan Xiaoxia, and San