The film tells the story of sniper Jin Tai who mistakenly killed his master Jin Ming during a mission and left the spy organization to live a decadent life. It wasn't until he met rebellious young boy Xiao Feng and his mother Li Shanji that he regained his confidence. However, due to his special blood type, Xiao Feng was targeted by illegal gangs. Jin Tai picked up a sniper gun and joined the illegal group again to save Xiao Feng
The film tells the story of sniper Jin Tai who mistakenly killed his master Jin Ming during a mission and left the spy organization to live a decadent life. It wasn't until he met rebellious young boy Xiao Feng and his mother Li Shanji that he regained his confidence. However, due to his special blood type, Xiao Feng was targeted by illegal gangs. Jin Tai picked up a sniper gun and joined the illegal group again to save Xiao Feng