This film tells the story of the Four Seas Dragon King who, after a battle with Sun Wukong due to the capture of the Sea God Needle, dies from his injuries. The Tathagata punished Sun Wukong by suppressing him at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. And after waiting for 500 years, the third prince of the West Sea Dragon King, Little White Dragon Nao Lie, finally arrived at the place where he must pass through to obtain scriptures: Pan
This film tells the story of the Four Seas Dragon King who, after a battle with Sun Wukong due to the capture of the Sea God Needle, dies from his injuries. The Tathagata punished Sun Wukong by suppressing him at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. And after waiting for 500 years, the third prince of the West Sea Dragon King, Little White Dragon Nao Lie, finally arrived at the place where he must pass through to obtain scriptures: Pan