Wen Ren (played by Takuya Nakamura) once had a happy and happy family, but this happiness was shattered with the departure of his mother, Shoko (played by Kano Kimura). After reaching adulthood, Wen Ren had already sympathized with his sibling brother Zhe Ren (played by Hirobumi Shinai), who had been separated for many years and became a worker at the lost and found office of Xingqiu Station
Wen Ren (played by Takuya Nakamura) once had a happy and happy family, but this happiness was shattered with the departure of his mother, Shoko (played by Kano Kimura). After reaching adulthood, Wen Ren had already sympathized with his sibling brother Zhe Ren (played by Hirobumi Shinai), who had been separated for many years and became a worker at the lost and found office of Xingqiu Station