The story takes place in the early years of the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty, when a young girl named Wei Yingluo (played by Wu Jinyan) was selected for the imperial palace along with a group of young ladies of the same age. Yingluo is beautiful and quick witted, with a heart of orchids, but her original intention of entering the palace is different from other girls. Due to her sister's murder, Yingluo decided to enter the Forbidden City to investigate the culprit. She mistakenly believed that the emperor's younger brother
The story takes place in the early years of the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty, when a young girl named Wei Yingluo (played by Wu Jinyan) was selected for the imperial palace along with a group of young ladies of the same age. Yingluo is beautiful and quick witted, with a heart of orchids, but her original intention of entering the palace is different from other girls. Due to her sister's murder, Yingluo decided to enter the Forbidden City to investigate the culprit. She mistakenly believed that the emperor's younger brother