The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Tang Ming. The orphan daughter Yuhuan (played by Yin Tao) was taken over as Princess Shou by Tang Xuanzong (played by Huang Qiusheng), who was secretly interviewed in a humble attire, and regarded Yuhuan as his beloved in his heart. Nine years later, after experiencing numerous hardships, Yuhuan finally became a noble consort. At the peony banquet held by Emperor Xuanzong for Yuhuan, his former lover Li Bai (played by Wang Luoyong) mocked Yuhuan for being
The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Tang Ming. The orphan daughter Yuhuan (played by Yin Tao) was taken over as Princess Shou by Tang Xuanzong (played by Huang Qiusheng), who was secretly interviewed in a humble attire, and regarded Yuhuan as his beloved in his heart. Nine years later, after experiencing numerous hardships, Yuhuan finally became a noble consort. At the peony banquet held by Emperor Xuanzong for Yuhuan, his former lover Li Bai (played by Wang Luoyong) mocked Yuhuan for being