The story begins with a bloody sunset, where the childhood Ouyang Zheng (played by Chen Xiaodong) drifts to a small town in the north. Ouyang Zheng's parents are both police officers, but they have both passed away. He grew up together with Wen Xi (played by Deng Chao), whose parents were overthrown by rebels at the time, and Ye Yu (played by Gao Yuanyuan), who was fostered at his grandmother's house, as childhood sweethearts
The story begins with a bloody sunset, where the childhood Ouyang Zheng (played by Chen Xiaodong) drifts to a small town in the north. Ouyang Zheng's parents are both police officers, but they have both passed away. He grew up together with Wen Xi (played by Deng Chao), whose parents were overthrown by rebels at the time, and Ye Yu (played by Gao Yuanyuan), who was fostered at his grandmother's house, as childhood sweethearts