Mizuno Akira (played by Ueno Shuri), a newcomer to the Department of Gastroenterology at the affiliated hospital of Saint Lin University, is stern and composed, staring expressionlessly at the open and covert struggles of Professor Itachi (played by Iwaki Hiroshi) and Professor Arima (played by Komura Hayashi). At this moment, she was secretly carrying out a meticulous revenge plan. one
Mizuno Akira (played by Ueno Shuri), a newcomer to the Department of Gastroenterology at the affiliated hospital of Saint Lin University, is stern and composed, staring expressionlessly at the open and covert struggles of Professor Itachi (played by Iwaki Hiroshi) and Professor Arima (played by Komura Hayashi). At this moment, she was secretly carrying out a meticulous revenge plan. one