Haruno Sasakura (played by Kwan Abe), after serving nine years in prison, is finally released after serving his sentence. As soon as Sakura, who was dragging his injured leg out of prison, encountered the theft of his wallet, and had no choice but to rely on receiving relief to make a living. After a search, Sakura, who was once a gang member, found his brother and asked him about his girlfriend Takahashi Shin
Haruno Sasakura (played by Kwan Abe), after serving nine years in prison, is finally released after serving his sentence. As soon as Sakura, who was dragging his injured leg out of prison, encountered the theft of his wallet, and had no choice but to rely on receiving relief to make a living. After a search, Sakura, who was once a gang member, found his brother and asked him about his girlfriend Takahashi Shin