After two years, "Gugu Cat" has returned! In addition to starring Ryuki Miyazawa, a luxurious lineup will also be assembled, including Keishi Nagatsuka, Hua Kuroki, and Minami Tanaka. In addition, Toshiko Maeda will play the role of an assistant, Ichiro Oita will play the role of a detective, and Shomei Nishida will play the newly added role of a classmate with a distinct personality, Masako
After two years, "Gugu Cat" has returned! In addition to starring Ryuki Miyazawa, a luxurious lineup will also be assembled, including Keishi Nagatsuka, Hua Kuroki, and Minami Tanaka. In addition, Toshiko Maeda will play the role of an assistant, Ichiro Oita will play the role of a detective, and Shomei Nishida will play the newly added role of a classmate with a distinct personality, Masako