The story, set against the backdrop of the "Special Investigation and Countermeasures Room" of the Metropolitan Police Agency, which was truly established in Japan in November 2009, is unfolded through the eyes of the new member of the team, Sakuragi Izumi (played by Uedo Choi). Sakuragi Izumi, who works in the special search and countermeasures room, is a passionate and persistent young man. With a strong sense of justice, she cannot tolerate injustice
The story, set against the backdrop of the "Special Investigation and Countermeasures Room" of the Metropolitan Police Agency, which was truly established in Japan in November 2009, is unfolded through the eyes of the new member of the team, Sakuragi Izumi (played by Uedo Choi). Sakuragi Izumi, who works in the special search and countermeasures room, is a passionate and persistent young man. With a strong sense of justice, she cannot tolerate injustice