The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Northern Song Dynasty, when the newly established Emperor of the Zhao family faced the challenge of the powerful Liao Dynasty. The Yang family general led by the vanguard Yang Jiye fought fiercely against tens of thousands of Liao soldiers in Lianglang Mountain, but was ultimately defeated with resentment due to being outnumbered. Yang Jiye died to avoid being humiliated and touching the monument. Afterwards, Liu Lang Yang Yanzhao sued
The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Northern Song Dynasty, when the newly established Emperor of the Zhao family faced the challenge of the powerful Liao Dynasty. The Yang family general led by the vanguard Yang Jiye fought fiercely against tens of thousands of Liao soldiers in Lianglang Mountain, but was ultimately defeated with resentment due to being outnumbered. Yang Jiye died to avoid being humiliated and touching the monument. Afterwards, Liu Lang Yang Yanzhao sued