Ma Lan (played by Qin Yi), who comes from a city background, is unwilling to be a mediocre housewife and is determined to participate in the vigorous socialist construction. But her ideas were strongly opposed by her mother (played by Ling Yuan) and her husband Wang Fuxing (played by Gao Bo). She bravely disregarded the opinions of the people and embarked on a journey of supporting the border. After arriving at the construction site, she found someone else
Ma Lan (played by Qin Yi), who comes from a city background, is unwilling to be a mediocre housewife and is determined to participate in the vigorous socialist construction. But her ideas were strongly opposed by her mother (played by Ling Yuan) and her husband Wang Fuxing (played by Gao Bo). She bravely disregarded the opinions of the people and embarked on a journey of supporting the border. After arriving at the construction site, she found someone else