The popular internet horror manga writer Jiang Zhiyun (played by Li Shiying) has released a series of new works that have received high praise. In her daily life, she seems to be increasingly unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. Not only does she often encounter extremely realistic horror nightmares, but she also often has inexplicable wounds on her body. One night, Xu Meizhen, the editor in chief of writer Jiang, expressed extreme concern
The popular internet horror manga writer Jiang Zhiyun (played by Li Shiying) has released a series of new works that have received high praise. In her daily life, she seems to be increasingly unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. Not only does she often encounter extremely realistic horror nightmares, but she also often has inexplicable wounds on her body. One night, Xu Meizhen, the editor in chief of writer Jiang, expressed extreme concern