Kentai Sakaguchi (played by Keiichi Nakai), a member of the Iwamatsu gumi who possesses the legacy of Showa, shot and killed the leader of a hostile gang 13 years ago, and was subsequently imprisoned. However, in the Heisei era where interests were paramount, the mafia had already thrown their loyalty into the air. Hankou, who was released after serving his sentence, became a chess piece discarded by the organization. At this moment, he encountered two
Kentai Sakaguchi (played by Keiichi Nakai), a member of the Iwamatsu gumi who possesses the legacy of Showa, shot and killed the leader of a hostile gang 13 years ago, and was subsequently imprisoned. However, in the Heisei era where interests were paramount, the mafia had already thrown their loyalty into the air. Hankou, who was released after serving his sentence, became a chess piece discarded by the organization. At this moment, he encountered two