Kiyoichi Kiyoda (played by Shinya Kitajiro), who is scheduled to retire on a certain year, was originally feeling lonely. On the night of the celebration and birthday party, he also had an unpleasant relationship with his daughter and son-in-law due to the issue of the family's ancestral temple, and went out in anger. He found childhood friends: Rikka Shigeo, who is good at judo (played by Kiyoshi Izutani), and the kind-hearted Mr. Yumurazu (played by Hiroshi Shiga)
Kiyoichi Kiyoda (played by Shinya Kitajiro), who is scheduled to retire on a certain year, was originally feeling lonely. On the night of the celebration and birthday party, he also had an unpleasant relationship with his daughter and son-in-law due to the issue of the family's ancestral temple, and went out in anger. He found childhood friends: Rikka Shigeo, who is good at judo (played by Kiyoshi Izutani), and the kind-hearted Mr. Yumurazu (played by Hiroshi Shiga)