After being forced to commit suicide, Half Heita (played by Takahiro Kam) unexpectedly travels back to modern times. After experiencing a series of disasters like accidents, Half Heita meets the kind-hearted old man, Sanzo (played by Rio Morimoto). Zuo Bo runs a tutoring class. He not only takes in Banping Tai, who has nowhere to go, but also appoints him as a tutor
After being forced to commit suicide, Half Heita (played by Takahiro Kam) unexpectedly travels back to modern times. After experiencing a series of disasters like accidents, Half Heita meets the kind-hearted old man, Sanzo (played by Rio Morimoto). Zuo Bo runs a tutoring class. He not only takes in Banping Tai, who has nowhere to go, but also appoints him as a tutor