Lao Gu Tou (played by Huang Zongluo) is a retired veteran of the Eighth Route Army, who spends his days at home with his children and grandchildren, taking care of his old age. By chance, he learned that his former lover during the war, Chen Yunhua (played by Qin Zhen), was still alive and enthusiastic about public welfare, which made him deeply moved. Youxin and her son Gu Xiaozhou (played by Wang Xueqi) Qing
Lao Gu Tou (played by Huang Zongluo) is a retired veteran of the Eighth Route Army, who spends his days at home with his children and grandchildren, taking care of his old age. By chance, he learned that his former lover during the war, Chen Yunhua (played by Qin Zhen), was still alive and enthusiastic about public welfare, which made him deeply moved. Youxin and her son Gu Xiaozhou (played by Wang Xueqi) Qing