Da Ma (played by Liu Qingyun), Ke Zai (played by Zhou Wenjian), and Bowie (played by Lin Baoyi), all have a hobby of gambling horses and use them to create dreams and achievements. But Da Ma is fortunate to have the encouragement and guidance of May (played by Wu Qianlian), and is not yet a gambler in love with horses. Once, Bowie is looking for
Da Ma (played by Liu Qingyun), Ke Zai (played by Zhou Wenjian), and Bowie (played by Lin Baoyi), all have a hobby of gambling horses and use them to create dreams and achievements. But Da Ma is fortunate to have the encouragement and guidance of May (played by Wu Qianlian), and is not yet a gambler in love with horses. Once, Bowie is looking for