Having gone through countless trials and tribulations, the Kanagawa Prefectural Police, who are extremely emotional and even shed tears with the suspect, searches for a backup member of the Katayama Squad Police Department, Yoshitaka Yoshitaka (played by Eiichiro Funetsu), and their cooperation with their partner, Katayama Squad Inspector Kan Keiichi (played by Kotaro Koizumi), becomes increasingly harmonious. In a pursuit of a fugitive
Having gone through countless trials and tribulations, the Kanagawa Prefectural Police, who are extremely emotional and even shed tears with the suspect, searches for a backup member of the Katayama Squad Police Department, Yoshitaka Yoshitaka (played by Eiichiro Funetsu), and their cooperation with their partner, Katayama Squad Inspector Kan Keiichi (played by Kotaro Koizumi), becomes increasingly harmonious. In a pursuit of a fugitive