In the seventh year of the Chunyou reign of the Song Dynasty, disasters occurred frequently in Linglong Town, Qinzhou. There were rumors among the people that it was the dragon that caused the disaster, and that the boys and girls needed to be thrown into the locked dragon well to feed the dragon in order to enjoy peace. The bad customs of sacrificial worship have lasted for a long time, and countless innocent children have been buried in the dragon's belly. The crying in Linglong Town is deafening, and those who have young children at home are all in panic. Xin Ke Jinshi solemnly serves as the chief clerk
In the seventh year of the Chunyou reign of the Song Dynasty, disasters occurred frequently in Linglong Town, Qinzhou. There were rumors among the people that it was the dragon that caused the disaster, and that the boys and girls needed to be thrown into the locked dragon well to feed the dragon in order to enjoy peace. The bad customs of sacrificial worship have lasted for a long time, and countless innocent children have been buried in the dragon's belly. The crying in Linglong Town is deafening, and those who have young children at home are all in panic. Xin Ke Jinshi solemnly serves as the chief clerk