Yumi Hoshino (played by Hiromi Nagasaki), a full-time mother who takes good care of her husband and son, Kaoru Hayakawa (played by Yuko Ishida), a strong career woman who works in a film company, and Haruko Miyako (played by Renmei Sato), who comes from a mediocre and overweight family, are 41 year old classmates. They were inseparable from each other during their student days
Yumi Hoshino (played by Hiromi Nagasaki), a full-time mother who takes good care of her husband and son, Kaoru Hayakawa (played by Yuko Ishida), a strong career woman who works in a film company, and Haruko Miyako (played by Renmei Sato), who comes from a mediocre and overweight family, are 41 year old classmates. They were inseparable from each other during their student days