"City Color Hall of Fame" is a brand new variety show launched by Dongfeng TV. The program format mainly consists of exciting dialogues between the host and guests. Starting from July 9th, 2014, it will be exclusively broadcasted on Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 11:00 PM on Youku Tudou. The program hosts include Hou Peicen, Huang Hongsheng, Wu Shanru, and the first
"City Color Hall of Fame" is a brand new variety show launched by Dongfeng TV. The program format mainly consists of exciting dialogues between the host and guests. Starting from July 9th, 2014, it will be exclusively broadcasted on Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 11:00 PM on Youku Tudou. The program hosts include Hou Peicen, Huang Hongsheng, Wu Shanru, and the first