Teng Yuanfeng (played by Pu Cunxin), who works as a football commentator on a television station, suddenly receives a court summons stating that his wife Lin Qiao (played by Xu Qing) wants to divorce him, which leaves him confused for a while. Originally, Teng Yuanfeng, who was obsessed with his own career, neglected his wife after marriage. He believed that the family did not have to worry about food, drink, and clothing, and Lin Qiaoying should
Teng Yuanfeng (played by Pu Cunxin), who works as a football commentator on a television station, suddenly receives a court summons stating that his wife Lin Qiao (played by Xu Qing) wants to divorce him, which leaves him confused for a while. Originally, Teng Yuanfeng, who was obsessed with his own career, neglected his wife after marriage. He believed that the family did not have to worry about food, drink, and clothing, and Lin Qiaoying should