The film tells the story of a male librarian (played by Ken Sato) who bears the 30 million yuan loan left by his missing brother and buys a lottery ticket to win a 300 million yuan prize in order to revive himself. Just as he is preparing to start over in life, his good friend from college, 99 (played by Yuki Takahashi), who should have been a wealthy man, turns the money around and disappears it
The film tells the story of a male librarian (played by Ken Sato) who bears the 30 million yuan loan left by his missing brother and buys a lottery ticket to win a 300 million yuan prize in order to revive himself. Just as he is preparing to start over in life, his good friend from college, 99 (played by Yuki Takahashi), who should have been a wealthy man, turns the money around and disappears it