The TV series "The Visitors on the Iceberg" is adapted from the classic 1963 movie "The Visitors on the Iceberg". This film has inspired several generations to strive and grow, and 40 years later, two groups of "The Visitors on the Iceberg" will gather on the screen. The TV series "Visitors on the Iceberg", although adapted from the movie of the same name, is directed by Dai Bing
The TV series "The Visitors on the Iceberg" is adapted from the classic 1963 movie "The Visitors on the Iceberg". This film has inspired several generations to strive and grow, and 40 years later, two groups of "The Visitors on the Iceberg" will gather on the screen. The TV series "Visitors on the Iceberg", although adapted from the movie of the same name, is directed by Dai Bing