Marcos Giwa, DanieLei is a common Chinese surname that can be translated to Leigh or simply kept as Lei in English, depending on the context and personal preference. Yie Passaquini
English (repeated)
Marty has just finished a tangled and tangled relationship, and exhausted, she decides to lightning marry a top-notch Celestial Lavender who suddenly enters her life. Marty even invited her sister Taylor to attend her wedding in Italy. But I never expected that Marty's fianc é e would be Taylor's one night stand partner during her trip to Italy many years ago
Marty has just finished a tangled and tangled relationship, and exhausted, she decides to lightning marry a top-notch Celestial Lavender who suddenly enters her life. Marty even invited her sister Taylor to attend her wedding in Italy. But I never expected that Marty's fianc é e would be Taylor's one night stand partner during her trip to Italy many years ago