In 1950, Ye Wen (played by Huang Qiusheng), the great master of the Wing Chun school, and his wife Zhang Yongcheng (played by Yuan Yongyi) went to Macau with their son Ye Zhun, and then went to Hong Kong to make a living. During a competition, Liang Shuang (played by Hong Tianming) willingly succumbed to defeat and became a disciple of Ye Wen. Afterwards, Ye Wen successively received Li Qiong (played by Jiang Luxia)
In 1950, Ye Wen (played by Huang Qiusheng), the great master of the Wing Chun school, and his wife Zhang Yongcheng (played by Yuan Yongyi) went to Macau with their son Ye Zhun, and then went to Hong Kong to make a living. During a competition, Liang Shuang (played by Hong Tianming) willingly succumbed to defeat and became a disciple of Ye Wen. Afterwards, Ye Wen successively received Li Qiong (played by Jiang Luxia)