The story takes place in the 1930s and 1940s, when a young musician named Huang Zhong (played by Zhang Hongliang) from Beiping and a wealthy lady named Jiang Xue (played by Chen Hong) from a wealthy and charming family, who had a difficult fate, meet and fall in love. Jiang Xue was unable to stand due to illness, causing unbearable pain. Jiang Xue's parents arranged the marriage and planned to
The story takes place in the 1930s and 1940s, when a young musician named Huang Zhong (played by Zhang Hongliang) from Beiping and a wealthy lady named Jiang Xue (played by Chen Hong) from a wealthy and charming family, who had a difficult fate, meet and fall in love. Jiang Xue was unable to stand due to illness, causing unbearable pain. Jiang Xue's parents arranged the marriage and planned to