The brothers of the Hatakeyama family, Nobuyuki (played by Hiroyuki Ikuchi) and Naoki (played by Yuki Kokuri), have had a deep affection since childhood. Naoki also fell in love with the daughter of the Onayama family, Akuji (played by Yuki Shibato). One year, Da Nayan's family fell ill and died suddenly, leaving only Aguji behind. General's decree: If any of the Hatakeyama brothers are able to marry Aguki,
The brothers of the Hatakeyama family, Nobuyuki (played by Hiroyuki Ikuchi) and Naoki (played by Yuki Kokuri), have had a deep affection since childhood. Naoki also fell in love with the daughter of the Onayama family, Akuji (played by Yuki Shibato). One year, Da Nayan's family fell ill and died suddenly, leaving only Aguji behind. General's decree: If any of the Hatakeyama brothers are able to marry Aguki,