In the 1980s, a 12-year-old boy named Du Huiwu (played by Takashi Hamada), who was born in Tuandi (a residential area) at a young age, made a major decision after graduating from elementary school. He would spend his entire life in Tuandi with complete infrastructure and never venture into the outside world. In this regard, Awa's mother (played by Otsuka Ningning) seems to deeply acknowledge
In the 1980s, a 12-year-old boy named Du Huiwu (played by Takashi Hamada), who was born in Tuandi (a residential area) at a young age, made a major decision after graduating from elementary school. He would spend his entire life in Tuandi with complete infrastructure and never venture into the outside world. In this regard, Awa's mother (played by Otsuka Ningning) seems to deeply acknowledge