In an apartment in Nagoya, there lives a somewhat unique family of three. The male protagonist Yaguchi (played by Yoshihiro Oizumi) and the female protagonist Aki (played by Kumiko Aso) were the lead vocals and vocals of the legendary punk rock band MFG. Yaji became pregnant at the age of 17 and Yankou, who was two years younger than her, proposed to her. Zhi
In an apartment in Nagoya, there lives a somewhat unique family of three. The male protagonist Yaguchi (played by Yoshihiro Oizumi) and the female protagonist Aki (played by Kumiko Aso) were the lead vocals and vocals of the legendary punk rock band MFG. Yaji became pregnant at the age of 17 and Yankou, who was two years younger than her, proposed to her. Zhi