The story began in the 1970s. In a certain communication company, Jiang Shian (played by Guo Xiaodong), who comes from a rural background, falls in love with the beautiful female soldier Han Lin (played by Yuan Li), but Han Lin does not express any hope in this regard. Jiang Shian sees no hope in pursuing her and follows his father's arrangement to marry the rural girl Cuihua (played by Zhao Rui). Due to being killed by comrade Zhang Yannan(
The story began in the 1970s. In a certain communication company, Jiang Shian (played by Guo Xiaodong), who comes from a rural background, falls in love with the beautiful female soldier Han Lin (played by Yuan Li), but Han Lin does not express any hope in this regard. Jiang Shian sees no hope in pursuing her and follows his father's arrangement to marry the rural girl Cuihua (played by Zhao Rui). Due to being killed by comrade Zhang Yannan(