The story takes place in a beautiful Dai village in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. The little girl Yi Huan (played by Lin Tian), her mother (played by Huang Zhiling), and grandfather (played by Yang Baohe) anxiously wait for their father (played by Bi Yuanjin) and brother Ella (played by Li Yanbo) who went out to earn money three years ago, because their 14-year-old brother went to become a monk
The story takes place in a beautiful Dai village in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. The little girl Yi Huan (played by Lin Tian), her mother (played by Huang Zhiling), and grandfather (played by Yang Baohe) anxiously wait for their father (played by Bi Yuanjin) and brother Ella (played by Li Yanbo) who went out to earn money three years ago, because their 14-year-old brother went to become a monk