The story takes place in the forest area of the Greater Khingan Mountains. Drama college student Lin Nan (played by Li Xiuming) went to the forest area to collect wind, and the lumberjack Lao Ni Tou (played by Li Wei) received her. Old Ni Tou was the only survivor of several people who ventured into the Kanto region back then. Before the liberation, due to the drought in his hometown for ten years and a lack of livelihood, they left their hometown and came to the outside of the Kanto region. Every spring, they had leisure time
The story takes place in the forest area of the Greater Khingan Mountains. Drama college student Lin Nan (played by Li Xiuming) went to the forest area to collect wind, and the lumberjack Lao Ni Tou (played by Li Wei) received her. Old Ni Tou was the only survivor of several people who ventured into the Kanto region back then. Before the liberation, due to the drought in his hometown for ten years and a lack of livelihood, they left their hometown and came to the outside of the Kanto region. Every spring, they had leisure time