The unprecedented East Japan earthquake, as well as the resulting tsunami and nuclear leak, destroyed the lives of countless people, including 15-year-old high school student Yuichi Sumida (played by Tatsuke Ranaga). After the disaster, he and his mother (played by Makiko Watanabe), as well as Ye Ye (played by Tetsuya Watanabe) and Tamura (played by Kazumi Kawakami), suffered disasters
The unprecedented East Japan earthquake, as well as the resulting tsunami and nuclear leak, destroyed the lives of countless people, including 15-year-old high school student Yuichi Sumida (played by Tatsuke Ranaga). After the disaster, he and his mother (played by Makiko Watanabe), as well as Ye Ye (played by Tetsuya Watanabe) and Tamura (played by Kazumi Kawakami), suffered disasters