The somewhat famous Japanese photographer Yasushi Chihiro (played by Ri Arai) was forcibly taken to the romantic capital of Paris, France by his sister Rin Ai (played by Mizuru Kiriya). However, shortly after arriving, Chihiro was left alone by her sister on the banks of the Seine River. While feeling anxious, Qian's passport was accidentally broken by a Japanese woman, who also lost her passport as a result
The somewhat famous Japanese photographer Yasushi Chihiro (played by Ri Arai) was forcibly taken to the romantic capital of Paris, France by his sister Rin Ai (played by Mizuru Kiriya). However, shortly after arriving, Chihiro was left alone by her sister on the banks of the Seine River. While feeling anxious, Qian's passport was accidentally broken by a Japanese woman, who also lost her passport as a result