Rich boy Hao Xiaowen (played by Hao Shaowen) enters the ninja school with his "maid" ugly sister whom he met along the way, as well as Shi Xiaobao and Xiaoying who arrived one after another. The ninja school, which is only driven by profit, opens the door to Xiaowen, but Xiaobao and Xiaoying can only rely on their strength to strive for admission opportunities. Four new classmates started from here on at Teacher Ninja One
Rich boy Hao Xiaowen (played by Hao Shaowen) enters the ninja school with his "maid" ugly sister whom he met along the way, as well as Shi Xiaobao and Xiaoying who arrived one after another. The ninja school, which is only driven by profit, opens the door to Xiaowen, but Xiaobao and Xiaoying can only rely on their strength to strive for admission opportunities. Four new classmates started from here on at Teacher Ninja One