In a summer of a certain year, Mitsunari Mitsunari (voiced by Shinya Akira) bought an unreliable yacht from scratch and warmly invited the manager of the apartment, Yuzuko Inamoto (voiced by Sumi Shimamoto), to go out to sea for a trip. However, this date ultimately turned into an apartment party, with Yuzuo Miyamoto (voiced by 2 and 10%) and Yuzuo Miyamoto (voiced by 4)
In a summer of a certain year, Mitsunari Mitsunari (voiced by Shinya Akira) bought an unreliable yacht from scratch and warmly invited the manager of the apartment, Yuzuko Inamoto (voiced by Sumi Shimamoto), to go out to sea for a trip. However, this date ultimately turned into an apartment party, with Yuzuo Miyamoto (voiced by 2 and 10%) and Yuzuo Miyamoto (voiced by 4)