The comedy group "Fang Zong Swimmers", which has been debuting for 12 years, has never been able to sell well. Although their two partners, Yohei Tanaka (played by Junichi Ito) and Takashi Komoto (played by Keisuke Koizu), are classmates, they gradually become speechless in the face of the embarrassing situation. The combination of the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves
The comedy group "Fang Zong Swimmers", which has been debuting for 12 years, has never been able to sell well. Although their two partners, Yohei Tanaka (played by Junichi Ito) and Takashi Komoto (played by Keisuke Koizu), are classmates, they gradually become speechless in the face of the embarrassing situation. The combination of the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves