In the summer of the second year of the Genki era, Akiyuki (played by Fujiwara Buso) and Yasuhiro (played by Chiaki Satoshi) of Akiyuki are trapped and unable to return home. Due to Akiyuki's defeat to Yamana, Yamana heavily guards the border of Akiyuki's Akiyuki (played by Uwara Misa) to prevent her from escaping. The two of them met Akimoto Takeshi Maki Ryuta (Sanjo) in the mountains
In the summer of the second year of the Genki era, Akiyuki (played by Fujiwara Buso) and Yasuhiro (played by Chiaki Satoshi) of Akiyuki are trapped and unable to return home. Due to Akiyuki's defeat to Yamana, Yamana heavily guards the border of Akiyuki's Akiyuki (played by Uwara Misa) to prevent her from escaping. The two of them met Akimoto Takeshi Maki Ryuta (Sanjo) in the mountains