Zhang Jinsheng (played by Gao Fei), Ma Hui (played by Lu Huiguang), Wang Biao, and Huo Qiang were imprisoned for making friends and robbing a jewelry store together. When they were about to be released, the four of them argued and fought with another group of prisoners in the prison cafeteria. Hui and the three were given a two-week extra sentence, and Sheng was released as scheduled. Victory went to the jewelry burial ground to dig for hidden objects, but the jewelry was lost
Zhang Jinsheng (played by Gao Fei), Ma Hui (played by Lu Huiguang), Wang Biao, and Huo Qiang were imprisoned for making friends and robbing a jewelry store together. When they were about to be released, the four of them argued and fought with another group of prisoners in the prison cafeteria. Hui and the three were given a two-week extra sentence, and Sheng was released as scheduled. Victory went to the jewelry burial ground to dig for hidden objects, but the jewelry was lost