Quan Duyan, Yin Ruzhen, Yin Zaiwen, and Chen Qing are expected to release a film directed by Kim Jong hoon, titled "Beasts Grasping at a Lifesaving Straw" (지푸라기라도잡고싶은짐승들, temporarily translated). The film is adapted from a Japanese novel of the same name and tells the story of people in distress who, after discovering fragments of female corpses and wallets, strive to get rid of their predicament
Quan Duyan, Yin Ruzhen, Yin Zaiwen, and Chen Qing are expected to release a film directed by Kim Jong hoon, titled "Beasts Grasping at a Lifesaving Straw" (지푸라기라도잡고싶은짐승들, temporarily translated). The film is adapted from a Japanese novel of the same name and tells the story of people in distress who, after discovering fragments of female corpses and wallets, strive to get rid of their predicament