The story takes place in the 1930s. Rich heiress Mu Peiyun (played by Ye Quanzhen) is in danger during a trip and is rescued by college student Ye Yaohua (played by Xie Zuwu). Peiyun's father, Mu Tianhong (played by Li Tiejun), who is secretly in love, betroths her to Yao Hua. But Yun's father wants her to marry Mo Liqun (played by Wang Can), who is of a matching family background
The story takes place in the 1930s. Rich heiress Mu Peiyun (played by Ye Quanzhen) is in danger during a trip and is rescued by college student Ye Yaohua (played by Xie Zuwu). Peiyun's father, Mu Tianhong (played by Li Tiejun), who is secretly in love, betroths her to Yao Hua. But Yun's father wants her to marry Mo Liqun (played by Wang Can), who is of a matching family background