Director Chen Jiasun has starred in a highly popular music comedy television program. His first film, "Modern Local Man," is an important work that cites Hong Kong cinema's modernization. He brought in Lin Zixiang, a newcomer to the screen, and Taiwanese female singer Qi Yu as a guest star. The story tells of a young Beethoven (Lin Zixiang) who is bored during the summer vacation and eats hamburgers with his friend
Director Chen Jiasun has starred in a highly popular music comedy television program. His first film, "Modern Local Man," is an important work that cites Hong Kong cinema's modernization. He brought in Lin Zixiang, a newcomer to the screen, and Taiwanese female singer Qi Yu as a guest star. The story tells of a young Beethoven (Lin Zixiang) who is bored during the summer vacation and eats hamburgers with his friend