Ten years ago, Xu Lai (played by Zhang Ruonan) was trapped in an earthquake and was rescued by firefighter Jin Shichuan (played by Chen Weiting) and search and rescue dog "Chase the Wind". In order to appease the injured Xu Lai, Jin Shichuan agreed to her ten-year promise. Ten years later, Xu Laicheng returned to his home country and became a journalist, as well as an international dog trainer. He worked with Jin Shichuan at the rescue scene
Ten years ago, Xu Lai (played by Zhang Ruonan) was trapped in an earthquake and was rescued by firefighter Jin Shichuan (played by Chen Weiting) and search and rescue dog "Chase the Wind". In order to appease the injured Xu Lai, Jin Shichuan agreed to her ten-year promise. Ten years later, Xu Laicheng returned to his home country and became a journalist, as well as an international dog trainer. He worked with Jin Shichuan at the rescue scene