The story takes place at Heisei Academy, where Toshio Fujiwara (voiced by Daisuke Hankou) is a freshman who has just entered the first grade of junior high school and unexpectedly joins the men's gymnastics club, which has been on the verge of bankruptcy for a long time. Fujiwara Jun's heart was filled with passion and love for gymnastics, and he even shouted out his hope of winning the Olympics
The story takes place at Heisei Academy, where Toshio Fujiwara (voiced by Daisuke Hankou) is a freshman who has just entered the first grade of junior high school and unexpectedly joins the men's gymnastics club, which has been on the verge of bankruptcy for a long time. Fujiwara Jun's heart was filled with passion and love for gymnastics, and he even shouted out his hope of winning the Olympics