A high school welcomed new students, and despite her beautiful appearance, a girl with a rustic charm, Haruna Hibiya (played by Saki Takei), was unexpectedly snatched away by handsome Junkyo Tei (played by Momo Matsuzaka), who ranked first in the school entrance exam, on the day of the opening ceremony. Starting from this, Keizai made Hibiya the object of his teasing and enjoyed it tirelessly
A high school welcomed new students, and despite her beautiful appearance, a girl with a rustic charm, Haruna Hibiya (played by Saki Takei), was unexpectedly snatched away by handsome Junkyo Tei (played by Momo Matsuzaka), who ranked first in the school entrance exam, on the day of the opening ceremony. Starting from this, Keizai made Hibiya the object of his teasing and enjoyed it tirelessly